Saturday, September 18, 2010

There is a hole in the sky.....

When Andy and I bought our first home aka House Car we knew we needed to replace the A/C unit. As Earl was threatening to hit the east coast Andy was removing the original unit at Manning Imports. He was on the roof of the RV most of the day and came to a few conclusions.

One was that the previous owner failed to mentioned the reason the A/C didn't work was because they had clearly attempted to drive under and underpass that was not quite 10.5 feet high! The cover didn't fit because it was not meant for our Coachman! Bummer.

The second thing was that we needed to replace the entire unit not just the fan and it would take 7 days to arrive. Double Bummer!

Did I mentioned Earl was heading our way - you know the Hurricane?? this is what we had - a nice sun roof in our home! We had to drive up to Nyack - about an hour north for the next job. The storm was brewing!

Andy covered it up (no picture) for the drive up. I had to drive the Pathfinder with trailer and tools so I couldn't keep an eye on the hole in the ceiling. The sun was shining, he covered it up, we should be fine. Now, we are more than a little nervous about water - remember we already had an indoor water fountain and hope to not install another!

When we got up to Leah's house in Nyack we realized Andy had lost the cover he had put on! Thank goodness no rain or birds or other foreign objects came in. He re-applied the cover - it was really quite impressive using wire, duct tape and a dome feature - I wish we would taken a picture. Then we waited for Earl to hit....and waited and waited and rain, no hurricane, nothing - just a lot of heat and humidity with no A/C...but not rain inside our home..whew!

The A/C came in a week later and we drove down to Manning Imports for Andy to pick it up and install it. THEN the rain came and it cooled down. No need for the A/C but very nice to have the hole replaced - much much nicer!

We also found that we have 2 heaters! As winter is approaching it is good to know. We actually turned the propane heater on for a few minutes the other night - it was toasty warm - very nice.

The week that was hot, humid and we had the whole in the roof...we were also parked on a tilt. Our bed was flat but the rest of the RV was slanted and it was ANNOYING! Cabinet doors slamming on my head, uncomfortable to sit at the dining table as I am falling forward, more slamming cabinets. I asked nicely that when we returned from LI that Andy park flat.

 Check out the orange levelers....Ahhhh so much better!! Love it!!

I have so much to write about Nyack!! We are LOVING being up there - a great little town. More to come..keep reading! Please please make a comment, subscribe, email, tell me what is going on with you!!


  1. I love that Andy leveled out the parking job for you. So funny! I bet living on a slant would get really annoying!

  2. The Electric Heater comes in handing when you are docked to 30Amp Shore Power. That way you dont consume Propane.

    Since your propane bottles are not removable, you have to drive to a filling station to fill them. In the wintertime, you will go through a lot of Propane, if you are not connected to sufficient shore power.

    It will be a bitch in the winter if you are snow bound, with insufficient electricity, and you run out of LP. If you plan to park for any length of time in the snow belt, you might look into getting/renting a large PORTABLE LP tank. That way, you can throw it in the back of the pathfinder to get it filled.

    BTW, good move on the leveler. The Refridgerator works best when the unit is level. If you are "off kilter" for a while, it may not get as cold as it should.

  3. Meant to say: Electric Heater comes in HANDY. (dont know what I was thinkin ;)

  4. What? Are LP is not removable? Of course you know that about my RV and I don't! We are really hoping to be SOUTH for the winter. Andy did say that you thought it was a good call on the extra heater. Dad said the same unit on the boat is not worth the extra $50 it cost. Hopefully we don't have to find out!

  5. Living on a slant is not fun at all! I was surprised at how easy it was (or Andy made it look easy) to get us all level. So much better!
